 Sep 28, 2020

শিশুর খেলাঃ বয়স যখন ১৯-২৩ মাস

Now your child is between 19-23 month old. Let's know how her growth is and what types of play she will enjoy.

Development of 19-23 month old child

Children in this age group are more confident and stable at walking, and are exploring other skills, such as balancing, jumping, and running. They can pull a toy behind them while walking, climb onto and off of furniture without assistance, walk up and down stairs with assistance, and—by the end of this period—may be able to kick a ball. They can now pick up and manipulate much smaller objects due to their more developed pincer grasp. They like to sort objects, often grouping them into two categories, and can now fit together simple objects. Children in this age group can match angles, which allows them to fit a square peg into a square hole. They can also start to use very simple coupling mechanisms like magnets, large hooks, and hook-and-loop or touch fasteners. At 19 months, children can now engage in true building play.

Representational and symbolic thinking emerges during this timeframe, and children understand that some toys represent other objects. The child’s depiction of representational art, however, is still in its infancy and may seem nonrepresentational to adults. Most of their artistic forays take the form of gestures, or a series of dots may represent, for example, a rabbit hopping. They can use simple phrases, a few active verbs, and directional words, such as “up,” “down,” and “in.”

How to play with 19-23 month old child?

Social play also emerges because children of this age can now communicate with and play alongside each other. These children can role-play a variety of commonly observed actions, such as sleeping and making dolls or stuffed animals assume roles, such as play partners. When playing pretend with children, parents are usually sensitive to the needs of their children, suggesting play at the same or slightly higher level of complexity than their children would normally play. Although they still use trial and error, these children can mentally consider solutions to problems before taking any action. This means they can remember and work with mental representations of familiar objects, pictures, letters, and numbers as they ponder appropriate actions. They are more goal-oriented, and object permanence is more advanced. These children can help dress or undress themselves. Toys with low-to-moderate cause-and-effect features—such as those with push buttons or pull cords that cause actions or sounds—are attractive to these children.

Types of toys you can use for 19-23 month old child

  1. Pretend play materials (dolls, puppet)
  2. Books (5-7 pages, soft)
  3. Building blocks (LEGO type toy)

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