 Sep 27, 2020

শিশুর খেলাঃ বয়স যখন ৮-১১ মাস

Now your child's age is 8-11 months. Much of the play during this period focuses on developing gross motor skills as these children exhibit more outwardly oriented movements and become increasingly mobile. They can crawl forward and backward, pull themselves into a standing position, walk with support (e.g., along furniture), stand momentarily without support, and complete a couple of unassisted steps. They also begin to climb.

These children explore objects in many different ways, such as through grasping, shaking, squeezing, throwing, dropping, passing from hand to hand, and banging. Although they can hold two objects and bang them together, they cannot coordinate the movements of both to use them together. However, when given one object, children in this age span can use both of their hands at the same time, with each hand performing a different, but complementary, action on the object. Usually, one hand is in a supporting or stabilizing role, while the other manipulates or explores the object.

They begin to develop a pincer grasp, which is used to pick up small objects between the thumb and fingers. Patterns of exploratory play begin that suggest children near the older end of this age group can make inferences about novel objects. For example, these children may infer what functions may operate beneath the surface of an object. They explore objects from every angle, and this often involves mouthing. Therefore, suitable toys are washable.

Types of Toys for 8-11 month child

Many children in this age group begin to use items in relational patterns; for example, they enjoy dumping items out of a container, putting them back in, and then repeating the process. They repeat pleasurable actions often, and start to show an interest in marking on paper. Basic memory skills are developing, and object permanence becomes more entrenched. When a toy is hidden or not within view, these children know the toy still exists and did not simply disappear. Children of this age can understand simple words related to their immediate context, and need repetition and reinforcement of the words they hear. At the end of this period, these children begin to imitate gestures and the use of products.

Sensory toys are highly attractive because these children are beginning to understand simple cause-and-effect relationships. Bright colors, especially yellows and reds, continue their appeal for this age group, as do high contrasts and complex patterns. Pictures that represent familiar objects are also highly attractive. Suitable toys are soft, sturdy, have rounded edges, and are easily grasped or manipulated by the child.



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