Goofi বর্ণ গল্প সিরিজ – ২

Goofi বর্ণ গল্প সিরিজ – ২

Current Price: ৳900
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Product Id: Goofi-101
"Exciting news for parents on togumogu! Get ready to explore the wonderful world of moral values with Goofi Borno golpo 2 (বর্ণগল্প – ২). This series is specially designed to teach essential life lessons through Bengali alphabets and related words. With five books in the series, each focusing on a different Bengali alphabet (ঋ, এ, ঐ, ও, ঔ), children aged 4 to 8 are in for an enriching experience. Join us on togumogu as we embark on a journey of learning and discovery, instilling valuable moral values in our little ones. Let's empower our children to grow into compassionate, responsible individuals, one alphabet at a time!"

Introducing Goofi Borno golpo 2 (বর্ণগল্প – ২), a delightful series crafted to instill essential moral values in children through the enchanting Bengali alphabets and their corresponding words. Tailored for young readers aged 4-8, Goofi Borno golpo 2 features five captivating books, each dedicated to a specific Bengali alphabet letter: ঋ (ri), এ (e), ঐ (oi), ও (o), and ঔ (ou). This series offers a fun and interactive way for children to learn about kindness, honesty, perseverance, and more, all while exploring the rich tapestry of Bengali language and culture. Join us on a journey of discovery and enlightenment as we dive into the pages of Goofi Borno golpo 2. Let's empower our children to become compassionate and responsible individuals, equipped with the moral values they need to thrive in today's world. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to ignite your child's imagination and cultivate their moral compass. Join us on togumogu and embark on this wonderful adventure with Goofi Borno golpo 2 today!"

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