Goofi Flash Card Early Math have been designed for children ages 2 to 3. These cards for kids are made for parents, teachers, or caregivers who can teach a child different aspects of early math skills.
A child soon picks up on the concepts of numbers, shapes, and colors through these. It may be stated that Math’s adventure got started.
Additionally, he can easily relate shapes and colors to the objects around him. And counting will also be covered with learning numbers.
There are total of 31 cards including User Guide and Development Activity cards.
An expert Early Childhood Development (ECCD) team worked behind the Goofi flashcards. The Goofi team members are Waliullah Bhuiyan, Nousin Afsana Bristy, Tahmina Rahman, Sahami Zaman, Shuvra Mustafa, Tasfeia Rahman, and many others.
শান্ত হোক বা দুরন্ত, বাধ্য হোক বা জেদি, শিশুকে সঠিকভাবে মানুষ করতে শৃঙ্খলাবোধ ও সহবতের পাঠ দেওয়া শুরু করুন ছোট্ট বয়স থেকেই। ছোট্ট বাচ্চাকে শৃঙ্খলার পাঠ দেবেন।
ToguMogu starts a book subscription service for your child. You can become a member of ToguMogu Book Box for free. Call 01958636820 for registration.
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