Goofi English Flashcard

Goofi English Flashcard

Current Price: ৳350
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Product Id: GBP0001
3 Types of Flash Cards (Bangla,English & Early Math) Storage Box (16 Ounce Board), Water-proof Flashcards, Development Activity Cards, ECD Expert Developed Content Engaging, Fun, and Interactive learning, For 2+ Years (2-4 Years old), Useful for Special Children also.

Goofi Flash Card English have been designed for 2+ years old kids. These cards for kids are made for parents, teachers, or caregivers so they can teach children quickly and simply.

The card can be used for 1+ years to teach different aspects of English language learning skills.

A child can learn English words, the alphabet, and small sentences from the Flash Card English.

Our flash cards have real pictures so that children can recognize them in the real world. The child will learn to speak and interact with others.

When used properly, Goofi Flash Card English is also useful for children who have delay, or useful for children who have speech delay or struggle to communicate with others.

There are total of 31 cards including User Guide and Development Activity cards.

Who Made Flash Card English?

An expert Early Childhood Development (ECCD) team worked behind the Goofi flashcards. The Goofi team members are Waliullah Bhuiyan, Nousin Afsana Bristy, Tahmina Rahman, Sahami Zaman, Shuvra Mustafa, and Tasfeia Rahman.

Key Features of Flash Card English:

  • Learn the English alphabet and words with fun.
  • Lean on familiar things around us.
  • Learn Early English language skills.

Useful for special children, with speech delay if used properly according to the parent guide.

Inside the Box:

  • Total Card: 31
  • Parent Guide.
  • Brain Development Assessment Guide.
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