Goofi - Play With Alphabet

Goofi - Play With Alphabet

Current Price: ৳700
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Product Id: Goofi-Play With Alphabet 21341
Play with Alphabet is an innovative, interactive, and of course, super fun way to introduce the alphabet to children. In this book, each alphabet has been designed with several features that can engage children, for sure, in the process of learning.
  • Colorful Visuals: The book features vibrant illustrations to captivate young readers’ attention.
  • Hands-On Learning: Incorporates interactive activities like coloring, drawing, and mazes for a multi-sensory educational experience.
  • Educational Play: Combines games with learning, fostering cognitive skills like letter recognition and problem-solving in a playful manner.
  • Progressive Difficulty: Thoughtfully structured with increasing complexity to provide a sense of achievement and engagement.
  • Family-Friendly: Encourages independent learning while fostering positive parent-child interactions.

Play with Alphabet” is an innovative, effective and super fun way to introduce English Alphabet A to Z to children. In this activity book for kids, each English alphabet has some interesting activities and features that can encourage children for fun and learn the alphabets properly.
Through various classic games and activities like maze, drawing and brain storming tasks, the book will help children to develop creativity and problem-solving skills.
Adult supervision is needed initially to teach early learners. But after a few pages, children could work by themselves.

Activity Features

Color the Picture

ABC Coloring book is always attractive to children. In this activity book for kids from an outlined picture, children are required to find the objects, match them with the respective letter, and color them.
Moreover, Alphabet Coloring Book is always loved by kids.
Find the Letter
Recognizing the proper letter out of many is a way to assess the learning. Playing some English Alphabet games also helps to increase children’s attention-span.
Solve the Maze
Solving Maze is a classic game to enhance children’s problem solving and creativity skills. Solving a maze sounds like fun too.
Alphabet to Picture
Drawing pictures from alphabet is the best way of learning alphabet. It’s not only helping kids’ imagination power, but increasing their observation ability too.

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