Goofi Story Doo - Bangla

Goofi Story Doo - Bangla

Current Price: ৳890
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Product Id: Goofi-Book-20
This is Goofi's most popular series. This series has been created with a total of 5 storybooks. Through this series of books, messages about behavior, morality, and values ​​are conveyed to children aged 3-10 through stories. The illustrations in the book are done by Doodool, and children can also draw their own at the end.

Introducing the Goofi StoryDoo Series, the leading children's storybook collection in Bengali! With five captivating books, this series is designed to instill empathy, moral values, and ethics in children through engaging storytelling and doodling. Here are the key highlights of this children's storybook series: Interactive books that allow children to draw and doodle on the pages. Teaching essential moral values and life skills. Engaging content tailored for children's enjoyment. Recognized as the best-selling children's book series in Bangladesh. English version also available for wider accessibility. StoryDoo: Story+Doodle – A unique blend of storytelling and doodling to reinforce positive behavior and moral principles. The StoryDoo concept seamlessly combines storytelling with doodling, providing children with an interactive and creative experience. Imagine bringing real Doodle Art into the mix! While some are familiar with doodling, many others are not. Doodling not only captures children's attention but also offers numerous benefits. By transforming doodles into books, we aim to teach others how to color and doodle alongside the stories. The primary objectives of the Goofi StoryDoo series include: Teaching children about good behavior and morality through captivating stories. Empowering children to engage with the content by allowing them to read the stories and draw as they please, fostering creativity and interaction. Introducing a fun drawing technique like Doodle to enhance children's experience and creativity. Discover the enchanting tales within the Goofi StoryDoo series: The Compassionate Ranhooni Giant The Tortoise and the Hare's Tale The Lazy Fox's Tale The Angry Octopus's Tale The Two Little Monkey Princes Join us in exploring the magical world of storytelling and doodling with the Goofi StoryDoo series. Order now and embark on an adventure of imagination and creativity!

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