Goofi Toys – Hand Puppet – Yellow Bunny

Goofi Toys – Hand Puppet – Yellow Bunny

Current Price: ৳750
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Product Id: goofi001
Introducing the Goofi Hand Puppet – an incredible learning toy designed to spark joy and creativity in children! This versatile puppet isn't just for play; it's a tool for interactive learning and imaginative exploration. Engage and Interact: Parents can use the Goofi Hand Puppet to interact with their little ones, fostering communication and bonding through playtime activities like storytelling and role-playing. Enhanced Learning Experience: With the included Puppet Manual, children can not only play with the puppet but also learn to create their own puppets, promoting creativity and hands-on learning. Exciting Surprises: Each puppet box comes with a Scratch Card feature, offering children the chance to win exciting gifts! This element of surprise adds extra fun to playtime and keeps children engaged and entertained. Encourage Creativity: The Goofi Hand Puppet encourages children to unleash their creativity by inventing and sharing their own imaginative stories, helping them develop vital storytelling skills from an early age. Perfect for Home and School: Whether at home or in the classroom, Goofi Learning Toys are suitable for interactive learning experiences. Parents and teachers alike can utilize the hand puppet for educational activities, ensuring versatile usage in various settings. Discover the joy of learning and playing with the Goofi Hand Puppet – where education meets entertainment!

Introducing the Goofi Puppet – a delightful learning toy crafted to inspire imaginative play and storytelling in children! Designed for Role Play: The Goofi Puppet is a handcrafted puppet ideal for role-playing and imaginative games. Children and adults alike can engage with the puppet to tell stories, act out scenes, and explore different characters, fostering creativity and communication skills. Interactive Learning: With the included puppet manual, your child can not only enjoy playing with the puppet but also learn to create new puppets themselves. This interactive experience encourages hands-on learning and creativity. Exciting Surprises: Each Goofi Puppet box comes with a Scratch Card, offering the chance to win exciting gifts! This adds an element of surprise and joy to playtime, making it even more enjoyable for children. Perfect for Home and School: Goofi Learning Toys are perfect for preschool children, whether at home or in the classroom. Parents and teachers can use these toys to engage with children, fostering interactive learning experiences and fun-filled playtime. Inside the Goofi Puppet Box: One handmade puppet One puppet-making manual with techniques to create 5 different types of puppets One scratch card for a chance to win an exciting gift At Goofi Toys, every purchase has a story behind it. Each handcrafted puppet is made with love and care by a mother from rural Bangladesh, bringing joy not only to your child but also to another child whose mother earns by making these toys. When you share this heartwarming story with your child, you not only provide them with a toy but also teach them empathy and compassion, completing the Tale of Two Mothers. Experience the magic of storytelling and imaginative play with Goofi Puppet – where every toy has a meaningful story to tell.

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