Hello Marty Romper

Hello Marty Romper

Current Price: ৳890
  In Stock
Product Id: R-018
Material: Cotton Style: Pair of dungarees in cotton weave with a contrast embroidered design and adjustable straps that fasten with buttons at the front and at the side for perfect for baby / kids / boys / girls aged between 3 months to 5 years.

Color: Yellow with White Embroidery
Material: 100% Cotton
Style: loose fitted romper with a patch pocket at front with adjustable straps that fasten with buttons at the front and at the side for baby / kids / boys / girls aged between 3 months to 5 years.
Designed and Made in Bangladesh
Available sizes:
3-6 months -68 CM
6-12 months – 80 CM
1-2 years – 92 CM
2-3 years – 98 CM
3-4 years – 104 CM
4-5 years – 110 CM

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