Johnsons Pink Baby Lotion - 500ml

Johnsons Pink Baby Lotion - 500ml

Current Price: ৳1550
  In Stock
Product Id: Johnsons11
Johnson's Baby Pink Lotion is a mild and soothing lotion specifically designed for your baby's delicate skin. Enriched with a gentle formula that provides long-lasting moisture, it helps keep your baby’s skin soft, smooth, and hydrated. This non-greasy lotion absorbs quickly and is perfect for daily use, offering a gentle, fresh scent that lasts all day. It is dermatologist-tested, hypoallergenic, and free from parabens, making it safe for even the most sensitive skin.

Key Benefits:

  • Provides long-lasting moisture to keep skin soft and smooth
  • Gentle, non-greasy formula that absorbs quickly
  • Fresh, baby-soft scent
  • Hypoallergenic and dermatologically tested
  • Free from parabens and harsh chemicals
  • Safe for daily use on your baby's delicate skin

Usage: Apply a small amount onto your baby’s skin and gently massage to moisturize and soothe. Perfect for after bath time or throughout the day to keep skin soft and hydrated.

Size: 100ml

Give your baby the soft, nourished skin they deserve with Johnson's Baby Pink Lotion.

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