Joytiti 12 Wood Color Pencil

Joytiti 12 Wood Color Pencil

Current Price: ৳160
  In Stock
Product Id: TMJTP-5636237

The Joytiti Mini Wood 12 Color Pencil set is perfect for children and adults alike who enjoy drawing and colouring. The pencils come in a set of 12 bright and vivid colours, each encased in an attractive and coloured wooden body. The wood used in making these pencils is of high quality, which ensures that the pencils are durable and long-lasting.


Moreover, the set comes with a free sharpener, which makes it convenient for users to sharpen their pencils as and when needed. The compact size of these pencils makes them easy to carry around and perfect for on-the-go colouring and sketching.


The attractive design and vibrant colours of these pencils make them a great gift option for kids, artists, or anyone who loves to draw and colour. The Joytiti Mini Wood 12 Color Pencil set is perfect for unleashing one's creativity and imagination.

Title: Joytiti 12 Wood  Color Pencil

Brand: Joytiti

Ink Color: Multicolor

Country Of Origin: Korea

Number of Pieces: 12 Pcs

Pencil Type: Color Pencil

Features: Bright color, Not easy to be broken, Non toxic, Good grip, Non toxic, Good grip

Material: Wood

Shape: Hexagonal Shape


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