Kids Time Pencil Box-White

Kids Time Pencil Box-White

Current Price: ৳150
  In Stock
Product Id: KTPBW002
Introducing the Kids Time Paper Pencil Box: the perfect solution for keeping your child's writing essentials organized and secure. Crafted from durable hard paper, this sleek, compact, and eco-conscious pencil box is designed to meet your needs. Key Features: Ample Space: Offering plenty of room for pens, pencils, erasers, and more, our pencil box ensures all essentials are neatly stored and easily accessible. Variety of Colors: Choose from a selection of chic colors to complement your child's style and preferences. Portability: With its compact design, our pencil box is perfect for on-the-go use, ensuring your child can take their writing tools wherever they need them. Join us in promoting sustainability and organization – order your Eco-Friendly Hard Paper Pencil Box today!

Introducing the Kids Time Paper Pencil Box, the ultimate storage solution for all your child's writing essentials! Crafted with precision from high-quality hard paper, this pencil box isn't just a stylish accessory but also a reliable companion for your child's daily adventures. Key Features: Robust Hard Paper Construction: The Kids Time pencil box is crafted from a unique hard paper material, ensuring durability to withstand everyday use. It's tough, long-lasting, and environmentally friendly. Spacious Storage: With dimensions of 278×380 mm, this pencil box provides ample space for your child's pens, pencils, erasers, rulers, and more. Keeping stationery organized and easily accessible has never been easier. Elegant Design: Featuring a sleek and minimalistic design, the Kids Time pencil box is suitable for children of all ages. It's available in a variety of colors to match your child's style and preferences. Portable and Compact: Thanks to its compact design, our pencil box easily fits into your child's backpack for convenient transport wherever they go. Durable & Eco-Friendly: We prioritize the planet, which is why our pencil box is made from sustainable, recyclable hard paper. Enjoy a durable product while reducing your environmental impact. Experience the perfect blend of style, functionality, and sustainability with the Kids Time Paper Pencil Box.

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