Newborn Nima Set (Wildflower)

Newborn Nima Set (Wildflower)

Current Price: ৳999
  In Stock
Product Id: GN-008
Introducing the Nima Set for Newborn Babies, a meticulously curated collection designed to welcome your little one into the world with the warmth, comfort, and softness they deserve. Material: 100% Cotton For Newborns to 6 month babies.

Key Features:

Premium Fabric: Each piece in the Nima Set is made from the softest materials, selected for their gentle touch against your baby’s delicate skin. The fabrics are breathable, ensuring your baby stays comfortable, whether it’s naptime or playtime.

Essentials Included: The Nima Set comprises all the newborn essentials, making it the perfect starter kit for new parents. The set includes swaddles, a lightweight blanket, a cap, mittens, and socks, all designed with newborn needs in mind.

Delicate on Skin: Knowing how sensitive a newborn’s skin can be, we’ve chosen fabrics that minimize the risk of irritation and allergies. Each item in the Nima Set promises a soothing experience, free from harsh chemicals.

Easy Care: Parenthood is a beautiful journey, but we know it’s not without its challenges. That’s why the Nima Set is designed to be as practical as it is beautiful. Each item is easy to clean and maintain, ensuring they remain soft and fresh, wash after wash.

Perfect Gift: The Nima Set makes a thoughtful and practical gift for expectant parents, baby showers, or welcoming a new baby. Packaged beautifully, it’s ready to be gifted, spreading joy and excitement to new families.

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