3D Magnetic Building Constructor Set 124 pcs

3D Magnetic Building Constructor Set 124 pcs

Current Price: ৳3990
  In Stock
Product Id: CHK-768487
3D Magnetic Building Constructor Set 124 pcs! Unleash Your Child’s Inner Architect! Here are just a few of the reasons why parents love this building set: 124 pieces for endless possibilities: This set includes a variety of shapes and sizes, so kids can build whatever they can imagine. Strong magnets for easy connection and stacking: The magnets are powerful enough to hold even the tallest creations together, but they’re also easy for little hands to manipulate. Smooth edges and rounded corners for safe play: This set is made with high-quality materials and is free of BPA and lead, so parents can rest assured that their children are safe while playing. Develops STEM skills: Playing with this set helps kids develop important skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Encourages creativity and imagination: This set is a great way for kids to express their creativity and build their problem-solving skills. Suitable for ages 3 and up: This set is perfect for kids of all ages, from toddlers to preschoolers and beyond.

This amazing 124-piece set is the perfect way for kids to let their imaginations run wild and build anything they can dream of. With strong magnets that make it easy to connect and stack the colorful tiles, even young children can create towers, castles, animals, and more.

Benefits of this 3D Magnetic Building Set:

Promotes hands-on learning and exploration
Develops fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination
Enhances spatial reasoning and problem-solving abilities
Sparks creativity and imagination
Provides hours of fun and entertainment

Perfect for:

Birthday gifts
Holiday gifts
Classroom activities
Family playtime
STEM learning

Order your 3D Magnetic Building Set today and watch your child’s creativity soar!

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