3D Magnetic Sticks (63pcs)

3D Magnetic Sticks (63pcs)

Current Price: ৳1390
  Out of Stock
Product Id: CHK-456987
3D Magnetic Sticks 63 pcs – a dynamic tool for development and fun. Explore its key benefits, – Enhance Hands-On Ability: Foster dexterity and coordination through interactive play. – Color Perception: Encourage color recognition and creative expression. – Strengthen Parent-Child Bonds: Promote quality time and bonding between generations. – Logical Thinking: Cultivate problem-solving skills and logical reasoning. – Magnetic Magic: Experience the allure of magnet attraction while constructing numerous models. – Unleash the potential of 3D Magnetic Sticks and nurture a well-rounded skill set in your child! Box Size: 24×16.5×3.5 cm is an organization that works to increase children’s creative activities. delivers high-quality Brand Arts and Crafts, Children’s Brain Development Toys and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics).


We are committed to delivering the latest edition of our products to our valued customers. Please be aware that there may be slight variations in color and design due to updates and improvements. We assure you that these changes will not compromise the quality or performance of our products, which remain at the forefront of their respective industries.

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