3D STEM Magnetic Sheets 68 Pcs

3D STEM Magnetic Sheets 68 Pcs

Current Price: ৳2290
  In Stock
Product Id: CHK-45462
Discover the Magnetic Sheet 68 Pcs – an engaging STEM toy designed for endless possibilities. Explore its key attributes: – Versatile Building: Create a myriad of shapes with 68 magnetic pieces through random splicing and DIY assembling. – Powerful Magnetism: Enjoy strong magnetic connections for sturdy constructions. – Enhance Coordination: Naturally improve hand-eye abilities while fostering creativity. – Enlightenment Through Play: Encourage learning and innovation during playtime. – Unleash the potential of the Magnetic Sheet and let your imagination run wild! Box Size: 29x23x7 cm is an organization that works to increase children’s creative activities. delivers high-quality Brand Arts and Crafts, Children’s Brain Development Toys and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics).


We are committed to delivering the latest edition of our products to our valued customers. Please be aware that there may be slight variations in color and design due to updates and improvements. We assure you that these changes will not compromise the quality or performance of our products, which remain at the forefront of their respective industries.

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