Barbie HPL78 Fashion Set with Doll and Wardrobe Set

Barbie HPL78 Fashion Set with Doll and Wardrobe Set

Current Price: ৳7850
  In Stock
Product Id: ABC-TM-101011
Barbie HPL78
  • Welcome to a fashion lover’s dream! This closet-inspired Barbie set comes with a doll, several outfits, styling accessories and furniture for a total of 30 different pieces.
  • Barbie doll’s adorable clothes include a polka dot top and skirt set, a groovily printed pink dress, a striped top and an ombre skirt.
  • Hang and display clothing on the rolling rack with the three hangers, and set up a vanity lounge with the sofa, ottoman and table.
  • From dressing the mannequin and trying on outfits to relaxing on the sofa and putting on lipstick in front of the mirror, there are so many fun moments to be had!
  • Accessorize with a hat, sunglasses, jewelry, handbags, shoes and more. Kids can spend hours curating different looks and playing out fashion stories!
  • Barbie doll and her fashion bundle make a great gift for kids ages 3 years old and up, especially those who love fashion themselves! Each sold separately, subject to availability.
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