Bitsy Candles Factory (Candle Making Kit)

Bitsy Candles Factory (Candle Making Kit)

Current Price: ৳2690
  In Stock
Product Id: BTY-10838
The candles factory candle-making kit includes ingredients and tools to make colourful scented candles. Suitable for 8+ yrs. Adult supervision is required.
  • Candles Factory candle making kit includes parrafin, 3 silicone and 2 plastic candle moulds, three colors (yellow, blue, red), two fragrance oils (apple and tangerine), candle wick, 6 wooden spatulas, 1 plastic spatula, satin ribbons, 2 plastic film sheets, and a picture instruction booklet. (Additional items needed and not included are: a small old pan, a thick big needle, and a stirring spoon)
  • Promotes creativity and imagination
  • Safe for kids: Passed ASTM and EN71 tests (American and European safety standards)
  • Creative gift for kids: This candle making kit is an excellent gift idea for birthdays and holidays



Package dimension: 30 cm x 21 cm x 8cm

Package weight: 1 kg

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