Bitsy Canvas Stencil Paint Sets

Bitsy Canvas Stencil Paint Sets

Current Price: ৳2250
  In Stock
Product Id: BTY-737726
Framed canvas with custom stencils, acrylic paint, and brush (sea lion, turtle, duck) 6+ yrs

Overview for each set:

  • DIY canvas painting set for 6+ years: includes a 8”x 8” framed canvas, 3-4 custom stencils, 5 acrylic paint pots, and a brush.
  • Canvas comes with a ready-to-hang wooden frame and triangle hook
  • Safe for kids: Eco-friendly material, water-based and non-toxic paint, EN71 certified (European safety standards).
  • Creative gift for kids: Great gift for birthdays, Eids, and holidays
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If you are looking for trained young female caregivers for your institutions, ToguMogu Care is the right place for you.