Blocks Train Assemble

Blocks Train Assemble

Current Price: ৳1090
  In Stock
Product Id: CHK-566464
Blocks Train Assemble! Your Happiness Multiple Modeling 51pcs What’s good for children to play with building blocks, • Cultivation of observation power Nurture the baby’s ability to understand each other through observation • Cultivate curiosity Building blocks with different shapes and colors can induce and nurture the curiosity of the baby. • Open the imagination Building blocks can be arbitrarily pieced together, and babies can play freely when playing with blocks. • Exercise hand eye coordination Baby playing with building blocks also helps hand eye coordination. Pack Size: 30x21x8 cm is an organization that works to increase children’s creative activities. delivers high-quality Brand Arts and Crafts, Children’s Brain Development Toys and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics).


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