বর্ণ নিয়ে খেলি - স্বরবর্ণ ( Goofi Borno Niye Kheli-Swaroborno)

বর্ণ নিয়ে খেলি - স্বরবর্ণ ( Goofi Borno Niye Kheli-Swaroborno)

Current Price: ৳380
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Product Id: default-sku-product-1516
Preschool Books: Goofi Borno Niye Kheli Sworoborno The "Goofi Borno Niye Kheli Sworoborno" book series is tailored for early-grade Bangla learning. It encompasses 11 Sworo borno and is designed for Nursery, KG, and Grade 1 level children. Packed with creative activities, brain games, word learning exercises, puzzles, and Bengali rhymes, this series offers an engaging and comprehensive approach to learning Bangla.

Introducing "Goofi – Borno Niye Kheli Saroborno," a preschool book series dedicated to early-grade Bangla learning. Covering 11 Sworo borno, this series is tailored for Nursery, KG, and Grade 1 level children. The book is packed with creative activities, brain games, word learning exercises, puzzles, Bengali rhymes, and more. Book Details: "Goofi Borno Niye Kheli" helps children learn the Bangla alphabet, new words, puzzles, matching games, short rhymes, and basic tasks like line tracing, drawing, and coloring. Keeping up with modern educational trends, "Borno Niye Kheli" is an essential book series for children. Inside this book, you'll find: Efficient learning of Sworoborno and words in Bangla. Enhanced creativity. Over 200 hours of engaging content for children. 100+ coloring, drawing, puzzle, and brain games. 22 Bengali rhymes. Encourages reduced smartphone addiction. Experience the joy of learning Bangla with "Goofi – Borno Niye Kheli Saroborno" and unlock a world of fun and education for your child.

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