Children’s Learning Toys- Goofi Hand Puppet- Angry Monster

Children’s Learning Toys- Goofi Hand Puppet- Angry Monster

Current Price: ৳890
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Product Id: GLT-001
Introducing the Goofi Hand Puppet Angry Monster, a captivating Goofi Learning Toy designed for children's enjoyment and educational exploration. Parents and caregivers can utilize this puppet to engage with young children, fostering communication and interaction. Inside the box, you'll find not only the handmade puppet but also a Puppet Manual, empowering children to create their own puppets and expand their creativity. Interactive Learning: The Goofi Hand Puppet serves as an interactive learning tool, promoting engagement between children and adults. Through role-playing and imaginative storytelling, it facilitates a dynamic learning experience where lessons can be taught in an enjoyable manner. Storytelling and Creativity: Encouraging children to weave imaginative tales, this hand puppet becomes a medium for expression, nurturing their creativity and storytelling abilities. Educational Manual: The inclusion of a puppet manual enriches the educational aspect, allowing children to not only play but also learn by creating new puppets using the provided instructions. Exciting Rewards: Each puppet box contains a Scratch Card, adding an element of surprise and excitement to playtime. Winning an exciting gift enhances the overall experience, making it both enjoyable and rewarding for children. Versatile Usage: Suitable for home and school environments alike, Goofi Learning Toys are designed for interactive use by parents and teachers with preschool children. This versatility ensures that the hand puppet can serve as a valuable educational tool in various settings. Goofi Hand Puppet Angry Monster: Where play meets learning in an exciting and enriching way.

Introducing the Goofi Hand Puppet Angry Monster, a captivating addition to our line of Goofi Learning Toys for Children. Crafted for imaginative play and storytelling, these hand puppets foster creativity and interaction between children and adults. Children and adults alike can engage with these puppets, using them as tools to teach and learn various subjects or simply to spin entertaining tales together. Goofi Hand Puppet Angry Monster is not just a toy; it's a gateway to imaginative storytelling. Children can let their creativity flow as they weave stories from their own imaginations. With the inclusion of a puppet manual, kids can not only enjoy playing with the puppet but also learn how to create their own, enhancing their imaginative skills further. Every puppet box comes with a Scratch Card, offering the chance to win exciting gifts, adding an element of surprise and delight to the experience. Ideal for both home and school environments, Goofi Learning Toys provide opportunities for parents and teachers to engage with preschool children interactively, fostering learning and play. Behind every Goofi Toy lies a heartfelt story. Each hand puppet is lovingly handmade by a mother from rural Bangladesh, whose craft supports her family. By sharing this narrative with your child, you're not only providing them with a toy but also instilling values of empathy and compassion. The Tale of Two Mothers is incomplete without your participation. By sharing this story, you complete the circle of kindness and connection. Goofi Hand Puppet Angry Monster: Where imagination meets empathy.

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