Double Sided Learning Board – Study Board

Double Sided Learning Board – Study Board

Current Price: ৳2490
  In Stock
Product Id: CHK-159357
Double Sided Learning Board – Study Board! This multifunctional double-sided learning board is the perfect way for toddlers to develop their cognitive skills, hand-eye coordination, and fine motor skills. The board features a chalkboard on one side and a whiteboard on the other, providing a versatile platform for imaginative play and educational activities. Box Size: 44x37x5 cm

Introduce your child to the wonderful world of learning and creativity with this multifunctional double-sided learning board! This educational toy is the perfect way for toddlers to develop their cognitive skills, hand-eye coordination, and fine motor skills. The board features a chalkboard on one side and a whiteboard on the other, providing a versatile platform for imaginative play and educational activities.


Double-Sided Learning: The chalkboard side is perfect for classic drawing and writing with colorful chalk, while the whiteboard side allows for easy cleanup and use with dry erase markers. This double-sided design provides endless possibilities for creative expression and learning.

Magnetic Fun: The board includes a set of magnetic letters and numbers, making it a great tool for learning the alphabet, numbers, and spelling. Children can use the magnets to create words, solve simple math problems, or simply decorate the board with colorful letters and shapes.

Safe and Durable: Made from high-quality wood, this learning board is built to withstand years of active play. The smooth, sanded edges and non-toxic materials ensure safe use for children.

Endless Creativity: This versatile board can be used for a variety of learning activities, including drawing, writing, storytelling, letter and number recognition, shape recognition, color recognition, and simple math problems.

Perfect Gift: This multifunctional learning board is the perfect gift for toddlers and preschoolers. It’s a great way to encourage imaginative play, develop cognitive skills, and foster a love of learning.

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