Drawing Special Gift Box Set

Drawing Special Gift Box Set

Current Price: ৳1190
  In Stock
Product Id: TM-CKP-0101
Drawing Special Gift Box Set” You Will Get: Notebook DOMS Small Pencil Color-12 Shades DOMS Watercolor Tube 12 Shades Ducky 12 Oil Pastel Color Crafting Scissor Design Ruler Puzzle Ruler Glitter Foam Sheet Penmax Highlighter Drawing Khata (40 pages) Sharpener Fruit Eraser Pencil set HB, 2B, 4B Drawing Book (32 pages) Discount Card Special Chalkpencil Gift Box Box Size: 31×25.5×8 cm The products provided are of a similar nature, comprising sets that may vary in brand, reflecting the diversity available in the current market.

Chalkpencil.Com is an organization that works to increase children’s creative activities. This drawing special gift box set will be a hot item for anyone who loves art. This set will impress, whether you’re buying it for your child or as a gift for someone else.

Inside this enchanting gift box, you’ll find various incredible and entertaining items thoughtfully selected to ignite children’s imaginations and create lasting memories. From unique toys to engaging activities, each element has been chosen carefully to bring joy and excitement to the little ones in your life.

Kids deciding on drawing art sets is not only fancy, but it’s also a lot of fun. It’s the perfect gift for budding artists, boys, girls, teens, kids, sons, daughters, and ages 4 and above for birthdays, holidays and school. This art set is perfect for anyone who wants to explore their creative side. Whether at home or on the go, this art gift box set is ideal for hours of entertainment.

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