Ensure Vanilla 400 gm

Ensure Vanilla 400 gm

Current Price: ৳1290
  In Stock
Product Id: ensureadult400
Ensure Balanced Adult Nutrition Health Drink, Ensure Vanilla is a complete and balanced health drink to ensure healthy and active life. The active ingredients with protein, fats and carbohydrates help to fill the everyday nutrition gaps. Scientifically formulated with slow release energy system to maintain energy levels, boost immunity and support weight management.

Ensure Balanced Adult Nutrition Health Drink

Ensure Vanilla is a complete and balanced health drink to ensure healthy and active life. The active ingredients with protein, fats and carbohydrates help to fill the everyday nutrition gaps. Scientifically formulated with slow release energy system to maintain energy levels, boost immunity and support weight management.

  • NO. 1 ORAL NUTRITION SUPPLEMENT WORLDWIDE : in two delicious flavours –Vanilla and Chocolate
  • Scientifically Formulated and clinically proven with 32 nutrients including protein, calcium, Vitamin D that could be missing from your diet
  • Delicious Nutritional drink with upto 4 times, less sugar than other health drinks
  • Helps Increase Muscle Mass – contains high quality proteins that help increase muscle-mass & a balanced macronutrient ratio that supports optimum utilization of proteins
  • Nutrition to Stay Strong and Active – Contains nutrients like Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D and Vitamin K for strong bones
  • Helps Boost Immunity and protects against infections - Contains Immunonutrients like Vitamins A, C, E, Folic Acid, Zinc and Manganese to maintain protection against infections
  • Support Digestive health and helps Metabolism - contains fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS) which supports digestive health & Vitamin B1,B2,B6, B12 and iodine that help in metabolism
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