Goofi বর্ণগল্প সিরিজ -৪ (Goofi Borno Golpo 4)

Goofi বর্ণগল্প সিরিজ -৪ (Goofi Borno Golpo 4)

Current Price: ৳900
  In Stock
Product Id: GBS-0001
"Introducing Goofi's 'Borno golpo series - 4' (Goofi Alphabet Stories 4)! This series features five engaging stories designed to boost self-confidence in children aged 4 to 10. As part of Goofi's Alphabet Stories series, these tales revolve around the letters চ (cho), ছ (cho), জ (jo), ঝ (jho), ঞ (ngo). Join us on togumogu, the Bangladeshi parenting app, and let your child embark on an inspiring journey of self-discovery and empowerment!"

"Exciting news for parents on togumogu! We're thrilled to introduce Goofi's latest addition, 'Borno golpo series - 4' (Goofi Alphabet Stories 4). Dive into this fantastic collection of five stories tailor-made for children aged 4 to 10. These captivating tales aren't just about entertainment; they're crafted with a special focus on nurturing self-confidence in young minds. As part of Goofi's acclaimed Alphabet Stories series, this fourth installment continues the tradition of sparking curiosity and instilling valuable lessons. Each story revolves around specific letters from the Bengali alphabet, including চ (cho), ছ (cho), জ (jo), ঝ (jho), and ঞ (ngo). Through vibrant storytelling and engaging narratives, children will embark on a journey of self-discovery, learning, and growth. These stories aren't just about letters; they're about fostering a sense of empowerment and self-assurance in our little ones. Join us on togumogu as we unlock the magic of storytelling with Goofi's 'Borno golpo series - 4.' Let's inspire our children to dream big, embrace challenges, and believe in themselves like never before!"

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