Goofi-দাদার কিচ্ছা

Goofi-দাদার কিচ্ছা

Current Price: ৳450
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Product Id: GBS-00001516
"Discover an abundance of captivating stories beyond Thakumar Jhuli. Many of us fondly remember hearing these tales from our grandparents or elders during our childhood. 'Dadadar Kichha' is a delightful collection filled with these cherished childhood memories. Tailored for today's children, this book features a total of 8 stories. If you're looking for Bengali stories, this is a must-have addition to your collection!"

Introducing "Children's Books Forever – Dadar Kiccha"! Growing up, we all heard countless stories from our grandparents and elders. These tales weren't just personal anecdotes from our own family, but shared experiences woven into the fabric of Bangladeshi culture. Sadly, many of these cherished stories are in danger of being forgotten. Unlike popular retellings by Disney, there hasn't been much effort to preserve these traditional folktales. However, beyond the well-known "Thakumar Jhuli," there's a rich tapestry of Bengali stories waiting to be discovered. That's where "Dadar Kiccha" comes in. We've gathered these timeless tales and presented them in a fresh, engaging format for today's children. With eight captivating stories tailored for young readers, this book is a must-have for anyone seeking authentic Bangladeshi storytelling. List of Stories: Who's the Big Brother The King's Three Son-in-Laws The Ogre Queen The Trickster Duo The Nephew's Intelligence Tag in the Tiger's Den The Division of Wealth The Game of Wit Join us as we embark on a journey to preserve and share these precious stories with the next generation. We are excited to bring "Children's Books Forever – Dadar Kiccha" to the Togumogu parenting app, where families can discover and enjoy these tales together.

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