Goofi Healthy & Happy Card

Goofi Healthy & Happy Card

Current Price: ৳350
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Product Id: GHHC1
Total Card: 18 Total Sticker Card: 2 Total Routine Chart: 3 Encourage your child’s growth and development with our latest innovation: the “Healthy & Happy Card” collection. Designed to instill healthy habits, promote positive behavior, and streamline daily routines, these flashcards are the perfect tool for nurturing your child’s well-being. With a total of 18 captivating cards, including 2 sticker cards and 3 routine charts, your little one will embark on an exciting journey towards a healthier and happier lifestyle. Each card is thoughtfully crafted to engage young minds and make learning enjoyable.

Total Card: 18

Total Sticker Card: 2
Total Routine Chart: 3

Encourage your child’s growth and development with our latest innovation: the “Healthy & Happy Card” collection. Designed to instill healthy habits, promote positive behavior, and streamline daily routines, these flashcards are the perfect tool for nurturing your child’s well-being.

With a total of 18 captivating cards, including 2 sticker cards and 3 routine charts, your little one will embark on an exciting journey towards a healthier and happier lifestyle. Each card is thoughtfully crafted to engage young minds and make learning enjoyable.

Cards include:

  • Foster healthy habits: Encourage children to adopt essential habits such as brushing their teeth, eating nutritious meals, staying hydrated, and getting regular exercise.
  • Promote positive behavior: Reinforce good manners, sharing, kindness, and respect towards others through engaging visuals and relatable scenarios.
  • Streamline daily routines: Simplify daily tasks and establish a structured routine with routine cards that guide children through morning, afternoon, and bedtime routines.
  • Encourage independence: Empower children to take ownership of their daily activities and develop a sense of responsibility through interactive learning.
  • Make learning enjoyable: Capture children’s interest with colorful and captivating illustrations that make learning fun and exciting.
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