Goofi Letter To Picture- Arabic

Goofi Letter To Picture- Arabic

Current Price: ৳250
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Product Id: GBS-001516
"Goofi Letter to Picture Series-Arabic" is an Arabic learning book crafted for children. Within its pages, kids can explore: Understanding Arabic letters through step-by-step picture drawing. Pronunciation of Arabic letters. Discovering Arabic words, their pronunciation, and their meanings in Bengali and English. Participating in creative activities. Cultivating an appreciation for the Arabic language.

"Goofi Letter to Picture Series-Arabic" is an Arabic learning book designed for children. Through this book, children can accomplish the following: Learn Arabic letters through step-by-step picture drawing. Practice pronunciation of Arabic letters. Expand vocabulary by learning Arabic words along with their pronunciation and meanings in Bengali and English. Engage in creative activities. Foster a love for the Arabic language. This book not only aids in alphabet learning but also nurtures children's creativity and critical thinking skills. Developed by children's book author Waliullah Bhuiyan, this innovative technique allows children to grasp the alphabet and language more efficiently with minimal adult supervision.

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