Goofi Letter To Picture- Arabic

Goofi Letter To Picture- Arabic

Current Price: ৳250
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Product Id: GBS-001516
Learn Arabic alphabet, word, word meaning for kids. Goofi Letter to Picture Series-Arabic is an Arabic learning book for children. Children can learn the following: ? Easy steps to write 28 Arabic alphabets with drawing ? Learn phonetics of Arabic alphabets ? Learn Arabic words and their meaning ? Creative activity and critical thinking ? Make children love Arabic language

Learn Arabic alphabet, word, word meaning for kids. Goofi Letter to Picture Series-Arabic is an Arabic learning book for children. Children can learn the following:

? Easy steps to write 28 Arabic alphabets with drawing

? Learn phonetics of Arabic alphabets

? Learn Arabic words and their meaning

? Creative activity and critical thinking

? Make children love Arabic language

It helps children to develop their creativity, and critical thinking ability as well as learn the alphabet through picture-based techniques. This amazing technique is invented by children’s book author Waliullah Bhuiyan. With this technique, children learn the alphabet and language faster with less Adult supervision.

Goofi Books are used by parents and teachers in more than 90 countries.

To know more about this book please call us at 01958636820

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