Goofi Toys – Hand Puppet – Pink Bunny

Goofi Toys – Hand Puppet – Pink Bunny

Current Price: ৳750
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Product Id: goofi-toys 003
🎉 Introducing the Goofi Hand Puppet, an amazing learning toy for children! 🎉 Perfect for playtime, storytelling, and interactive activities, the Goofi Hand Puppet is a versatile tool that encourages creativity and engagement. Parents can use it to interact with young children, fostering communication and bonding. Inside each box, you'll find: - One Handmade Puppet - One Puppet Manual Key Features: - Interactive Learning: Promotes interaction between children and adults through imaginative play and storytelling. - Storytelling and Creativity: Encourages children to create their own stories, fostering imagination and storytelling skills. - Educational Manual: Enhances the learning aspect by providing instructions for creating new puppets, stimulating creativity. - Exciting Rewards: Scratch Card feature adds an element of surprise and excitement, making playtime even more enjoyable. - Versatile Usage: Suitable for home and school environments, providing opportunities for interactive learning with parents and teachers. Experience the joy of learning and creativity with the Goofi Hand Puppet!

Introducing the Goofi Hand Puppet Pink Bunny, a delightful learning toy designed for children's play and imagination. Goofi Hand Puppet Pink Bunny is more than just a toy; it's a tool for storytelling and role-playing, fostering interaction between children and adults. Whether it's creating narratives, acting out scenes, or simply enjoying imaginative play, this hand puppet sparks creativity and learning in children. Inside the Goofi Learning Toy package, you'll find: One handmade puppet A puppet-making manual featuring techniques to craft five different types of puppets A scratch card for a chance to win exciting gifts for kids But there's more to Goofi Toys than meets the eye. Every purchase comes with a unique story. Each hand puppet is lovingly crafted by a mother from rural Bangladesh, whose work supports her family's livelihood. When you buy a Goofi Toy, you're not just acquiring a plaything; you're contributing to a cycle of kindness and empowerment. We encourage you to share this narrative with your child. By doing so, you're not only enriching their play experience but also instilling values of empathy and compassion. Together, let's complete the Tale of Two Mothers, one puppet at a time. Goofi Hand Puppet Pink Bunny: Where play meets purpose.

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