গুফি বর্ণ যখন ছবি হল

গুফি বর্ণ যখন ছবি হল

Current Price: ৳300
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Product Id: default-sku-product-12351
Goofi Letter to Picture -Bangla is the most amazing series for young children to learn the Bangla alphabet through a new technique invented by the author Waliullah Bhuiyan. In this book, there are ?300+ hours of creative activity ?Learn Bangla words easily ?Easy steps to draw 50 characters ?Helpful for hyperactive & special children also
Goofi Books Letter to Picture (Bengali) is a global series by author Waliullah Bhuiyan for children. It helps children to develop their creativity, and critical thinking ability as well as learn the alphabet through a different technique (picture-based technique). There are about 50+ hours of engagement for children.
Children learn the alphabet 30% faster with 80% less Adult supervision. The series is being used by parents and teachers in more than 30 countries including a lot of pre-schools and schools in Bangladesh.
In this book, there are
?300+ hours of creative activity
?Learn Bangla words easily
?Easy steps to draw 50 characters
?Helpful for hyperactive & special children also
To know more about Goofi Books, please call at 01958636820


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