Johnsons Baby Milk Rice Bath - 100ml

Johnsons Baby Milk Rice Bath - 100ml

Current Price: ৳230
  In Stock
Product Id: Johnsons3
Johnson's Milk and rice salve contain milk protein and different nutrients which is additionally suggested by specialists. This is PH adjusted and hypoallergenic. Thus, they have uniquely planned these items with creams to help keep his skin fed as he develops. Mothers trust Johnson's consistently gentle, delicate, and compelling.

Ingredients: Water, glycerin, mineral oil, C12-15 alkyl benzoate, cetyl liquor, dimethicone, glyceryl stearate, PEG-100 stearate, potassium cetyl phosphate, phenoxyethanol, ethylhexyl glycerine, stearoxytrimethylsilane, stearyl liquor, aroma, acrylates, sodium hydroxide, carbomer, milk protein, disodium EDTA, panthenol, sodium ascorbyl phosphate, tocopheryl acetic acid derivation, hydrolyzed rice-wheat protein, copper gluconate, magnesium aspartate, zinc gluconate.



Johnson’s Baby




Johnson & Johnson


200 ml


How to Use:

Ø  Apply on your little one's entire body.

Ø  Apply this after a shower or whenever.

Ø  Massage softly into youngster's skin.

Benefits: What we found here;

Ø  Healthy skin for developing children.

Ø  Clinically mellowness demonstrated.

Ø  With milk proteins and fundamental nutrients.

Ø  Recommended by specialists.

Ø  PH is adjusted and hypoallergenic.

Ø  No added parabens. Phthalates or colors.

Ø  Every Johnson's item passes a 5-level security confirmation measure.

How to Store: Store in a cool or dry spot, away from direct light.


Ø  Keep of reach of teenagers.

Ø  External use as it's been said.

Ø  Avoid contact with the eye. In the event that happens, flush well with clean warm water.

Ø  If compounding happens, end-use.

Disclaimer: Content on this site is unequivocally not a substitute for counsel from a kept up clinical idea region. You should not rely essentially upon this substance as we see no threat for jumbles up. Dependably read stamps and cautions going before using a thing. Furthermore, for extra nuances, generously contact the creator.

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