Johnsons Baby Milk Rice Cream - 100g

Johnsons Baby Milk Rice Cream - 100g

Current Price: ৳550
  In Stock
Product Id: Johnsons4
Johnson’s Baby Milk + Rice Cream which helps add moisturization to the child's delicate skin and leave it delicate for quite a while. It is uncommonly detailed with painstakingly chosen fixings like milk concentrates and nutrient E for giving additional sustenance to the child's sensitive skin. Presently give a saturating lift to your little one's skin with this smooth recipe that is influence loaded with rich emollients and lotions.

Ingredients: Water, Mineral Oil, Glycerin, Petrolatum, Steareth-2, Seareth-21, Dimethicone, Isopropyl Palmitate, Cetyl Alcohol, Stearyl Alcohol, Phenoxyethanol, Ethyhexylglycerin, Carbomer, Fragrance, Milk Protein, Titanium Dioxide (Ci 77891), Peg-12 Dimethicone, Sodium Hydroxide, Copper Gluconate, Magnesium Aspartate, Zinc Gluconate, Hydrolyzed Rice Bran Protein, Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate, Panthenol, Tocopheryl Acetate.



Johnson’s Baby

Made in



Johnson & Johnson


100 gm


v  Clinically tried to be gentle to the delicate skin of the children.

v  A delicate consideration recipe reasonable for use from day 1.

v  Improved with fundamental milk proteins and various nutrients that keep the child's skin sound looking and delicate.

v  A specialist suggested item that is pH-adjusted and hypoallergenic.

v  Has straightforward and unadulterated recipe with no parabens, sulfates, or colors.

How to apply:

ü  Press out a liberal measure of the child cream and apply everything over your child's body.

ü  Back rub it tenderly to mollify their skin.

ü  Apply it, ideally, after a shower or whenever according to the need.


Ø  Sound skin for developing children.

Ø  With milk proteins and fundamental nutrients.

Ø  Suggested by specialists.

Ø  Ph adjusted and hypoallergenic.

Ø  No additional parabens, phthalates or colors.

Ø  This is 5 level wellbeing affirmation measure.

Storage & Safety: Store at or under room temperature. Keep of reach of youngsters. Outside use as it's been said. Keep away from contact with eye. In the event that happens, flush well with clean warm water. In the case of compounding happens, end use. You ought not depend according to a general viewpoint upon this substance as we see no danger for works up. Ceaselessly read stamps and cautions going before utilizing a thing. Likewise, for additional subtleties, liberally contact the maker.

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