Kids Time : গল্পগুচ্ছ ২

Kids Time : গল্পগুচ্ছ ২

Current Price: ৳620
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Product Id: KTGG2
Give your child a unique gift with this extraordinary book! Our captivating tales in 'Storybook Adventures' will inspire your child to think creatively and express themselves freely, just like crafting their own stories. This book is designed to boost their confidence and ignite their imagination like never before. With a total of 23 enchanting stories, each one is a journey into the world of creativity. Every story serves as a mini storytelling course, guiding children through the process of drawing and writing. Get your hands on 'Storybook Adventures' today and watch as your child blossoms into a confident storyteller!

At "Kids Time," we're dedicated to nurturing the leaders of tomorrow. Our mission is to cultivate creativity, foster imagination, and sharpen problem-solving skills, equipping children with the tools they need to tackle life's challenges with confidence. Through our guided "Storytelling Course," we provide a structured platform for children to unleash their imagination further. In this course, they learn the art of crafting their own stories and bringing them to life through drawing. We believe that storytelling lies at the heart of leadership. The world's most influential leaders have captivated audiences with their storytelling prowess, leading by example and effecting meaningful change. That's why we emphasize the importance of mastering the art of storytelling to develop essential leadership qualities. Through a blend of individual and group activities, our course empowers children to become master storytellers. Our "Kids Time Story Collection - 2" is a testament to the creative prowess of children. Featuring stories written and illustrated by 23 young minds, these tales have already captivated audiences as animated series on popular TV channels. This collection serves as an inspiration for countless more children to express their creativity and imagination through writing and illustrations. By nurturing their storytelling skills, we aim to empower them to emerge as confident leaders of the future. Story List: 1: Arav's Story 2: The Tiger and His Lion Friend 3: The Colorful Pen and the White Paper 4: Baby Panda and His Mother 5: Show Compassion to Animals 6: Rabbit and Monkey's Friendship 7: Crazy Sugar Ant 8: Visit to Nemi's City 9: The Lion's Story 10: The Butterfly and Its Friend 11: Tear's Dream 12: Grini's Goodbye Story 13: Why is the Cat Sneaking Behind? 14: The Real Friend 15: Timmy Fish and Turtle's Friendship 16: The Bird and Its Little Chicks 17: Sara and the Fairy 18: The Naughty Tiger 19: Cactus and Rose 20: The Greedy Lion 21: The Brave Brothers 22: The Brave Firefighter 23: The Little Goose's Glimpse

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