Ignite Your Little Star’s Creativity with the Sparkly Goody Bag!
Prepare to be dazzled by a galaxy of artistic fun with the Little Star Goody Bag! This treasure trove is bursting with everything your mini maestro needs to ignite their imagination and paint the universe with their brilliance.
Here’s what awaits your little star:
A Canvas for Cosmic Creations: Unleash their inner Van Gogh with a 30-page drawing book, ready to capture starry landscapes, intergalactic adventures, and anything their heart desires.
Superhero Stationery Arsenal: Gear up for artistic adventures with a Spiderman-themed pencil box set, complete with pencils, eraser, sharpener, and even a cool pencil cap!
Dazzling Highlighter Duo: Highlight their ideas and dreams with a 5-piece fidget spinner highlighter set, adding a touch of cosmic flair to their notes and creations.
Rainbow of Artistic Tools: From vibrant 12-color pencils and crayons to smooth, twistable mini crayons, your little artist will have every shade they need to paint their masterpieces.
Sticky Notes for Stellar Storytelling: Capture fleeting ideas and leave shimmering messages with a set of premium sticky notes, perfect for brainstorming and planning their next artistic odyssey.
Sharpen Their Skills (Literally): Keep their tools in tip-top shape with a silicon premium sharpener, ensuring every line and stroke is as sharp as a shooting star.
Eraser Adventures with Dino Buddies: Mistakes are just stepping stones on the path to artistic greatness! Help them erase and learn with a delightful set of 7 dinosaur-themed erasers.
A Pocket-Sized Galaxy of Creativity: The spacious 28.5×25.5cm goody bag keeps everything organized and ready for on-the-go artistic expeditions.
More than just a gift, the Little Star Goody Bag is a launchpad for endless artistic exploration and creative confidence. Order yours today and watch your little star’s light shine bright!
শরীরে তাপমাত্রা বৃদ্ধি পেলে আমরা জ্বর বলে থাকি। এটি শিশুদের ক্ষেত্রেও প্রযোজ্য। সাধারণত শরীরে অভ্যন্তরীণ কোন ইনফেকশন দেখা দিলে শরীরের তাপমাত্রা বৃদ্ধি পায়। যাকে জ্বর বলা হয়। জ্বর হলে ছোট, বড় সবাই ব...
মোবাইলে অতিরিক্ত সময় কাটাকে শিশুরা নিজেদের গুরুত্বহীন মনে করে। আমরা অনেক বেশী মোবাইলে সময় কাটাই যেটা মোটেই ঠিক নই। মোবাইলে বেশী সময় না কাটিয়ে বাচ্চাদের বেশী গুরুত্ব দেওয়া উচিৎ।
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