Nestlé Nan 4 Infant Formula Milk Powder (2 Years+) 350 gm

Nestlé Nan 4 Infant Formula Milk Powder (2 Years+) 350 gm

Current Price: ৳900
  In Stock
Product Id: nestlenan4-350g
NAN OPTIPRO 4 is a spray dried infant formula designed for infants from 2 y+ onwards when they are not breastfed. DHA and ARA, two special fatty acids found in breast milk, which are important for your baby’s immune defense system and contribute to the development of brain and vision. Keep in mind that there is no substitute of or equivalent to breast milk.

Nestlé NAN is a range of infant formula products developed to provide essential nutrition for babies during their first months and years of life. It's carefully formulated to mimic the composition of breast milk, providing key nutrients needed for healthy growth and development.

NAN formulas are tailored to different stages of a baby's development, starting from birth and progressing through various milestones. They are enriched with vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other essential nutrients crucial for supporting a baby's immune system, brain development, and overall health.

NAN formulas come in different varieties to accommodate various dietary needs and preferences, including options for babies with specific dietary sensitivities or allergies. These formulas are often recommended by healthcare professionals as a suitable alternative to breast milk when breastfeeding is not possible or insufficient.

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