Philips Avent Classic Nipple 0m+ 631/27

Philips Avent Classic Nipple 0m+ 631/27

Current Price: ৳565
  In Stock
Product Id: default-sku-product-454
Made in UK **Easy Latch on nipple flexes to baby's feeding rhythm. **Integrated anti-colic system. **Wide neck for easy filling and cleaning. **Natural latch on due to the wide breast shaped nipple. **The nipple has an ultra soft texture, designed to mimic the feel of the breast. **Unique anti-colic Air-flex vent technology **Nipples with different flow rates available. **Flexible spiral design combined with comfort petals. **Model: 631/27
  • The most natural way to bottle feed 
  • Natural latch on due to the wide breast shape nipple 
  • Soft nipple design to mimic the feel of breast 
  • Unique anti-colic air-flex vent technology 
  • Slower flow nipple for new born baby
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