Philips Avent Natural Feeding Bottle White (260ml) 033/10

Philips Avent Natural Feeding Bottle White (260ml) 033/10

Current Price: ৳950
  In Stock
Product Id: default-sku-product-363
Made in Uk The Philips AVENT BPA Free Natural Polypropylene Bottles are the most natural way to bottle feed. The wide, breast-shaped nipple on the Natural bottle promotes natural latch-on so you can easily combine breastfeeding and bottle feeding. The unique comfort petals inside the nipple increase softness and flexibility without nipple collapse, and the innovative twin valve anti-colic slow-flow nipple helps infants feed comfortably and easily. The ergonomic shape makes it comfortable for parents to hold and easy for small fingers to grasp. Assembly is simple with only a few parts and the wide bottle neck makes filling and cleaning easy. The Philips AVENT BPA Free Natural Polypropylene Bottles are made from polypropylene, a BPA free material, and works with all nipples and caps from the Natural line. Model: 034/10
  • Bottle Capacity: 260 ml
  • Natural wide nipple shape and ultra soft feel makes it easy for baby to combine with breastfeeding
  • Ultra soft nipple mimics the feel of the breast
  • Reduces feeding issues by venting air away from your baby's tummy
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