Singapore Math 1A

Singapore Math 1A

Current Price: ৳335 ৳450
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Product Id: GSM-001
Welcome to Goofi Academic Books – introducing Singapore Math 1A! Dive into the world's most advanced math curriculum, designed especially for kids. With our Math Activity book, we make learning math fun and engaging. Here's why Singapore Math stands out: Our book uses the Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) method, ensuring a solid foundation in math. Students completing this program excel, often 2-3 years ahead in math and finance skills. Suitable for KG – 1, 2, Grade – 1, and Grade – 2 students. Join us on Togumogu as we bring this exceptional learning tool to parents and educators, making math enjoyable and accessible for all!

Discover the top choice in math education for kids - Singapore Math 1A! Renowned as the most advanced math curriculum globally, Singapore Math sets students ahead by 2-3 years compared to their peers. This comprehensive math activity book follows the highly effective Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) method, ensuring children develop a robust foundation in mathematics. Key Features of Singapore Math 1A: Utilizes the CPA method to teach math concepts effectively, fostering a solid understanding of fundamental mathematical principles. Students completing the Singapore Math program excel in real-life math and finance, thanks to its rigorous and comprehensive approach. Designed for children in KG – 1, 2, and Grade 1, Singapore Math 1A provides a holistic learning experience suitable for young learners. Get ready to embark on a rewarding math learning journey with Singapore Math Level 1 book, encompassing both 1A and 1B, offering a full-year curriculum. Elevate your child's mathematical skills with Singapore Math - the ultimate choice for math excellence!

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