Singapore Math 1A

Singapore Math 1A

Current Price: ৳450
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Product Id: GSM-001
Singapore Math 1A is an 80-page activity-based book with Numbers (0 – 20), Number bond, Addition, Subtraction, Ordinal Numbers, Shape, Length, Weight concepts.

Singapore Math is the most advanced math curriculum in the world. Students who complete the Singapore Math book are 2-3 years ahead of others. They perform better in real-life math and finance. Singapore Math uses the CPA method to teach concepts to build a strong foundation in math.

In this book, there are

?The book uses CPA method to teach math concepts to build a very strong foundation in math.

?Singapore Math is the most advanced math curriculum in the world. Students who complete Singapore Math book and program are 2-3 years ahead of other students. They perform better in real-life math and finance.

?Singapore Math 1A is appropriate for KG – 1, 2, and Grade – 1 students.


Singapore Math Level 1 book: 1A & 1B (Full 1-year curriculum)
Singapore Math Level 2 book: 2A & 2B (Full 1-year curriculum)


To know more about Goofi Books, please call 01958636820

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