Singapore Math 1B

Singapore Math 1B

Current Price: ৳335 ৳450
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Product Id: GSM-002
Introducing Goofi Academic Books – Singapore Math 1B, a comprehensive math activity book designed to provide kids with the most advanced math curriculum available. Utilizing the Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) method, Singapore Math ensures a solid foundation in mathematics. Key Features: Effective Teaching Method: This math activity book employs the Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) method to teach math concepts, ensuring a strong foundation in mathematics. Advanced Curriculum: Singapore Math is renowned as the most advanced math curriculum globally. Students who complete the Singapore Math program typically outperform their peers by 2-3 years, excelling in real-life math and finance. Appropriate for Various Levels: While Singapore Math 2A and 2B are suitable for KG – 1, 2, Grade – 1 students, and Grade – 2, this particular book, Singapore Math 1B, caters to specific developmental stages, offering targeted math education for young learners. Prepare your child for mathematical success with Singapore Math 1B from Goofi Academic Books. Get ready to witness your child's mathematical skills flourish with this advanced and comprehensive math curriculum!

Introducing the Best Maths for Children – Singapore Math 1B, a comprehensive math curriculum designed to empower young learners with advanced mathematical skills. Utilizing the Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) method, Singapore Math ensures a solid foundation in mathematics, setting students up for success in real-life math and finance. Key Features: Effective Teaching Method: This book utilizes the CPA method to teach math concepts, fostering a robust understanding of mathematical principles and building a strong foundation in math. Advanced Curriculum: Singapore Math is renowned worldwide as the most advanced math curriculum. Students who complete the Singapore Math program typically excel by 2-3 years compared to their peers, demonstrating superior performance in real-life math and financial literacy. Appropriate for Various Levels: While Singapore Math Level 1 book encompasses 1A & 1B, providing a full-year curriculum suitable for KG – 1, 2, and Grade – 1 students, this book, Singapore Math 1B, offers targeted math education tailored to specific developmental stages. Equip your child with the best mathematical education with Singapore Math 1B from Goofi Academic Books. Prepare them for a future filled with mathematical success and confidence!

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