Singapore Math 2A

Singapore Math 2A

Current Price: ৳450
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Product Id: GF10
Singapore Math 2A is a 108-page activity-based book with Numbers (0 – 20), Number bonds, Addition, Subtraction, Ordinal Numbers, Shape, Length, and Weight concepts. In this book, there are ?The book uses CPA (The Concrete Pictorial Abstract) method to teach math concepts to build a very strong foundation in math. ?Singapore Math is the most advanced math curriculum in the world. Students who complete Singapore Math book and program are 2-3 years ahead of other students. They perform better in real-life math and finance. ?Singapore Math 2A and 2B books are appropriate for Grade – 2.

Goofi Academic Books – Singapore Math is the most advanced math curriculum in the world. Students who complete the Singapore Math book are 2-3 years ahead of other students. They perform better in real-life math and finance. Singapore Math uses the CPA (The Concrete Pictorial Abstract) method to teach concepts to build a strong foundation in math. Singapore Math 2A is a 108-page activity-based book with Numbers (0 – 20), Number bond, Addition, Subtraction, Ordinal Numbers, Shape, Length, and Weight concepts. Goofi Academic Books- Singapore Math 2A is appropriate for KG – 1, 2, Grade – 1 students, and Grade – 2.

In this book, there are
?The book uses CPA (The Concrete Pictorial Abstract) method to teach math concepts to build a very strong foundation in math.

?Singapore Math is the most advanced math curriculum in the world. Students who complete Singapore Math book and program are 2-3 years ahead of other students. They perform better in real-life math and finance.

?Singapore Math 2A and 2B books are appropriate for KG – 1, 2, Grade – 1 students, and Grade – 2.

Singapore Math Level 1 book: 1A & 1B (Full 1-year curriculum)
Singapore Math Level 2 book: 2A & 2B (Full 1-year curriculum)

To know more about the book please call us at 01958636820

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