Singapore Math – Level 2 (2A & 2B)

Singapore Math – Level 2 (2A & 2B)

Current Price: ৳940
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Product Id: GF-7483738
Goofi Academic Books – Singapore Math 1B is a Math Activity book for kids with the most advanced math curriculum in the world.The book uses CPA method to teach math concept to build a very strong foundation in math. Singapore Math is the most advanced math curriculum in the world. Students who complete Singapore Math book and program are 2-3 years ahead of other students. They perform better in real life math and finance. Singapore Math 2A and 2B books are appropriate for Grade 2 students.

Which is the best kindergarten math curriculum for Kids?

Singapore Mathematics is the most advanced math curriculum in the world. Students who complete Singapore Mathematics are 2-3 years ahead of others in math and performs better in real life math concepts and finance.

Singapore Primary Mathematics uses CPA (Concrete- Pictorial – Abstract) method to teach math concepts to children. The CPA method helps Singapore to produce the best mathematical brains in the world from an early age.

The students are provided with necessary learning experiences beginning with the concrete and pictorial stages. And then followed by the abstract stage to enable them to learn mathematics meaningfully. This package encourages active thinking processes, communication of mathematical ideas and problem solving.

The textbook comprises 8 units. Each unit is divided into parts: 1, 2,…. Each part starts with a meaningful situation for communication and is followed by specific learning tasks numbered 1, 2, ….

Adults are asked to support their students with necessary concrete materials to teach counting, addition, subtraction and other concepts the way it is shown in the book.

The students should write, color on every page.


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