Soft Plush Knitted Goofi Crochet Toy – Tiger ( 6 months to 6 years)

Soft Plush Knitted Goofi Crochet Toy – Tiger ( 6 months to 6 years)

Current Price: ৳950
  In Stock
Product Id: CTT0003
Provides sensory stimulation | Social & emotional companion | Provides a sense of calm. Product Overview: Introducing your child’s new favorite Goofi crochet buddy—a soft, hand-knitted toy designed to be their cherished friend! This adorable Goofi crochet companion is crafted from toxin-free, eco-friendly materials, promising comfort and companionship for little ones. Ideal for snuggles, imaginative play, and soothing bedtime routines, this Goofi crochet friend provides a sense of calm throughout the day. Benefits for Your Child: Emotional Support – The Goofi crochet toy offers companionship, helping ease stress and providing a gentle sense of security. Imaginative Play – Children can use the Goofi crochet friend to create stories and scenarios, fostering creativity and storytelling skills. Empathy and Nurturing – Caring for the Goofi crochet toy helps children develop empathy and nurturing qualities as they engage in role-play. Sensory Exploration – With its soft texture and unique design, the toy supports sensory development by encouraging sensory exploration. Language Development – Children can practice language skills and vocabulary by engaging in “conversations” with their Goofi crochet buddy. Toxic-Free Assurance: Crafted with your child’s safety in mind, this Goofi crochet toy is made from fully non-toxic materials. The yarn and dyes used are certified child-safe, and free from harmful chemicals like phthalates and lead, commonly found in synthetic toys.

Additional Benefits:


Comforting Companion – Offers security and emotional comfort, helping to reduce anxiety.

Eco-Friendly Materials – Made with sustainable, child-safe yarn, ensuring both safety and environmental consciousness.

Handcrafted Quality – Each Goofi crochet buddy is handmade with care, guaranteeing durability, a high-quality finish, and a soft texture.

Encourages Imaginative Play – Inspires creativity and storytelling, aiding cognitive and social development.

Easy to Clean – Low maintenance and easy to keep hygienic for regular use.

Portable and Lightweight – Simple to carry, allowing your child’s Goofi crochet buddy to go wherever they go.

Great Gift Idea – A charming gift choice for birthdays, holidays, or other special occasions.

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