Woman Pregnancy Pillow

Woman Pregnancy Pillow

Current Price: ৳2990
  In Stock
Product Id: TMWPP-09089
Woman Pregnancy Pillow

If you are like most people, an all-night pillow is just not enough, or you have problem sleeping bag. There is the pillow that goes behind your back for support, the one between the knees for temperature control and the two to prop up your head to aid in breathing. And, if you're pregnant ... don't forget to add a more supportive belly. The U-shaped pillow is uniquely designed to follow the natural contour and shape of your body from head to toe. Perfect for sleeping and relaxing. Complete with removable / washable. The U-shaped head pillow allows you to reach the position and height that is right for you. The Long Torso Supplement is the perfect width for total back or belly support ... depending on the direction you choose to snuggle in this pillow. The slightly curved aside belly as it conforms to the shape of your body support your Pregnant belly and make you comfortable all night!


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