Wonderful Drawing Fun Box for Perfect Gift

Wonderful Drawing Fun Box for Perfect Gift

Current Price: ৳2190
  In Stock
Product Id: TM-CKP-0102
We present to you is fun box which consists of various types of amazing and fun things for children, which has brought a new dimension to giving gift. This fun box includes, Drawing Book 32 pages Chalkpencil Coloring Book 40 pages Notebook Camel Watercolor 12 Shades – 05 ml Color Palette Paint Brush (01 – 12) 24 Color Oil Pastel DOMS 24 Long Pencil Color (Tin Box) Puzzle Ruler Design Ruler Glue Stick Marko Fisher Eraser Roller Pencil Sharpener HB pencil 02 pieces 2B Pencil – 02 pieces 4B Pencil 02 Piece Stapler Machine with Pin Crafting Scissor 3 inch Color Note Pad (Plastic Box) Special Gift Box (Size 31×25.5×8 cm) Chalkpencil Discount Card The products provided are of a similar nature, comprising sets that may vary in brand, reflecting the diversity available in the current market.

Introducing the wonderful drawing fun box, a delightful surprise that will delight children and make gift-giving a memorable experience. This thoughtfully curated gift box is filled with a diverse collection of incredible and entertaining items that will ignite the imagination of young minds. From interactive toys to engaging activities, each item has been carefully selected to create memorable moments for kids. Whether it’s a special occasion or a gesture of affection, the drawing fun box adds a new dimension to gifting, ensuring that children are delighted with a world of fun and excitement.

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