Mag-Building Intelligent Magnetic Construction Set 48 pcs

Mag-Building Intelligent Magnetic Construction Set 48 pcs

Current Price: ৳2590
  In Stock
Product Id: CHK-78939
Mag-Building Intelligent Magnetic Construction Set 48 pcs! Learning Through Play: More than just a fun toy, the Mag-Building set is a powerful educational tool. As children explore the various shapes and magnetic properties, they develop critical cognitive skills. The set introduces them to: Geometric Shapes: By sorting and building with different shapes like squares, triangles, and hexagons, children learn to identify and understand basic geometric concepts. Colors: The vibrant color palette of the set stimulates visual learning and helps children differentiate and name colors. Spatial Reasoning: Constructing different structures encourages children to develop spatial awareness and problem-solving skills as they visualize and plan their creations. Fine Motor Skills: Connecting the magnetic pieces helps refine hand-eye coordination and dexterity, promoting overall motor development. Box Size: 30×7.5×38 cm
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