Philips Avent Classic Nipple 3m+ 633/27

Philips Avent Classic Nipple 3m+ 633/27

Current Price: ৳650
  In Stock
Product Id: default-sku-product-504
Made in UK **Easy Latch on nipple flexes to baby's feeding rhythm. **Integrated anti-colic system. **Wide neck for easy filling and cleaning. **Natural latch on due to the wide breast shaped nipple. **The nipple has an ultra soft texture, designed to mimic the feel of the breast. **Unique anti-colic Air flex vent technology. **Nipples with different flow rates available. **Flexible spiral design combined with comfort petals. **Slower flow nipple for your newborn baby.

Avent Classic Nipple 3m+

The most natural way to bottle feed

Natural latch on

Flexible spiral design, combined with our unique comfort petals to create a flexible nipple, allowing for a more natural feed without nipple collapse.

Natural latch on due to the wide breast shaped nipple:

The wide breast shaped nipple promotes a natural latch on similar to the breast, making it easy for your baby to combine breast and bottle feeding.

Soft nipple designed to mimic the feel of the breast:

The nipple has an ultra soft texture, designed to mimic the feel of the breast.

Unique anti-colic Airflex vent technology:

Our unique anti-colic Airflex vent technology was designed to reduce colic and discomfort, by venting air away from your baby's tummy.

Nipples with different flow rates available:

The Philips Avent Natural range offers different nipple softness and increasing flow rates for every development stage of your baby.

Slower flow nipple for your newborn baby:

A smaller hole size delivers a more controlled flow rate for slower drinking babies. The Natural First nipple is the ideal flow rate to start bottle feeding your newborn baby.


Latch on

  • Natural latch on
  • Easy combine breast and bottle
  • Unique comfort petals
  • Extra soft and flexible teat
Anti-colic valve
Advanced anti-colic system
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