Flash Card Set

Flash Card Set

Current Price: ৳1180
  In Stock
Product Id: FCS-01
Introducing our dynamic Flash Cards collection, designed to enrich learning across three essential domains: Bangla, English, and Early Math. Each set is housed in a sturdy storage box crafted from 16-ounce board, ensuring durability and easy organization. Our flashcards are not only waterproof but also feature development activities curated by experts in Early Childhood Development (ECD). Tailored for children aged 2 to 4 years old, these cards offer engaging, fun, and interactive learning experiences. Perfect for all children, including those with special needs, our Flash Cards foster inclusive education and make learning enjoyable for everyone.

Introducing Goofi's innovative Flash Card Sets, catering to children's learning needs in Bangla, English, and Early Math. Goofi Flash Card Bangla: Tailored for children aged 2 to 3, these cards facilitate language development by introducing Bangla alphabets and words through engaging activities. Goofi Flash Card English: Designed for kids aged 2 and above, these cards aid in English language learning, covering alphabets, words, and basic sentences, fostering effective communication skills. Goofi Flash Card Early Math: Ideal for children aged 2 to 3, these cards introduce foundational math concepts like numbers, shapes, and colors, making math learning an enjoyable adventure. Key Features:

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