কিডস টাইম আঁকতে শেখার বই

কিডস টাইম আঁকতে শেখার বই

Current Price: ৳350
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Product Id: Kids-Time-Akte-Shekhar-Boi-01
We're thrilled to introduce 'কিডস টাইম আঁকতে শেখার বই' - a fantastic resource for kids aged 6-10, aiming to unlock their creativity through art. This delightful book is designed to inspire and nurture young artists, providing engaging activities and beautiful illustrations to spark their imagination. Whether your child is just beginning their artistic journey or looking to enhance their skills, 'কিডস টাইম আঁকতে শেখার বই' is the perfect companion. Join us on togumogu as we empower children to express themselves creatively and embark on a journey of artistic discovery. Don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity to fuel your child's passion for art and unleash their boundless creativity!"


Introduce 'কিডস টাইম আঁকতে শেখার বই' – a fantastic resource tailored for kids aged 6-10, aiming to unlock their creativity through art. This beautifully illustrated book is not just any drawing book – it's a gateway to a world of artistic exploration! From whimsical line drawings to enchanting animal portraits, mesmerizing sea scenes to vibrant flower arrangements, and even cosmic adventures in space, this book offers a rich tapestry of creative inspiration. What makes this book special is its interactive approach to learning. Step-by-step instructions accompany each drawing, empowering children to develop fundamental drawing skills with ease. But that's not all – we encourage young artists to unleash their imagination, experiment with colors, and add personal touches to make each drawing uniquely their own. But wait, there's more! This book goes beyond just drawing – it's a journey of discovery and education. Dive deeper into each theme with fascinating facts and tidbits, sparking curiosity and expanding young minds with every page turn. Parents, guardians, and educators will appreciate the thoughtfully curated content, designed to nurture creativity while fostering confidence and cognitive development in children. Key Features: Engaging resources for children aged 6-10 Covers a diverse range of drawing themes: line drawings, shape drawings, animal drawings, sea drawings, flower drawings, and space drawings Step-by-step instructions for each drawing, making it easy for kids to follow along Encourages creativity and imagination, allowing children to add their own personal touches to the drawings Interactive approach to learning with fun facts and tidbits accompanying each theme Promotes cognitive development, confidence, and self-expression through art Suitable for parents, guardians, and educators looking to support their child’s artistic growth Beautifully illustrated and designed to captivate young minds Unlock the boundless creativity within your child and embark on a journey of artistic discovery with 'কিডস টাইম আঁকতে শেখার বই'. Join us on togumogu and let the artistic adventures begin!"

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