Little Girl Goody Bag

Little Girl Goody Bag

Current Price: ৳1090
  In Stock
Product Id: TM-CKP-0109
Little Girl Goody Bag! Hands get messy, Hearts get happy! This Goody Bag Contains, – JoyTiTi Drawing Book 30 Pages (26.2×18.4 cm) – Princess Themed Pencil Box Set (Pencil Box, Eraser, Sharpener, Pencils, Pencil Cap) – Highlighter Set (6pcs) – 12 Colors Wood Free Color Pencils – DOMS 12 Shades Tempera Colors with Painting Brush – Special Goody Bag (38×27 cm)

Spark Creativity and Joy with the Little Girl’s Dream Goody Bag!

Unleash a messy (and magical!) explosion of creative fun with this goody bag, specially designed for little girls brimming with imagination. Watch their hands get busy and their hearts overflow with happiness as they paint, draw, and explore countless artistic adventures.

Here’s what awaits inside:

A Canvas Where Dreams Take Flight: Equip your mini Picasso with a 30-page drawing book, the perfect portal to bring their wildest visions to life.
Royal Tools for Artistic Quests: Gear up for creative expeditions with a sparkling princess-themed pencil box set, lengkap with pencils, eraser, sharpener, and even a charming pencil cap!
Rainbow Highlights for Every Masterpiece: Illuminate their ideas and make learning shine with a 6-piece highlighter set, adding a touch of vibrant cheer to notes and creations.
Unleash the Color Wizard: Let their inner color wizard loose with 12 wood-free colored pencils, smooth and safe for small hands, and a palette of 12 DOMS tempera colors and a brush, ready to paint bold and beautiful.

More than just a gift, the Little Girl’s Dream Goody Bag is a doorway to boundless artistic expression, messy fun, and happy hearts. Order yours today and watch your little girl’s imagination soar!

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